September 29: How to get around pricey airline ticket change fees (Los Angeles Times)

September 30, 2013

In the Sept. 22 On the Spot column ("Change Can Cost You"), reader Randy Smith of Cathedral City, Calif., asked about airline change fees and wondered what I thought about why they are so — how can I put this gently? — inexplicably and atrociously exorbitant. These fees hit the leisure traveler where it hurts most because he, not his boss or his company, ends up paying them or losing the ticket. Surely, there must be another way to deal with this. Indeed, there is.

In the spring, legacy carriers raised the change fee to $200 for a domestic ticket, $300 for an international ticket. Granted, the airline industry is suffering the ravages of the economy and needs that money to balance its books, but unfortunately, carriers are doing it on the consumer's back to the tune of almost $2.6 billion in 2012.

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