Media Tip Sheet: University of Richmond Faculty Experts Available to Comment on COVID Impact to the Economy, Courts, and Sports

April 17, 2020

UNIVERSITY OF RICHMOND —  As you continue your coverage of the COVID-19 pandemic, consider these University of Richmond faculty experts.

Tom Arnold on economic impacts
Finance professor Tom Arnold can discuss the economic impacts of COVID-19. Arnold says his advice for the typical investor, as tough as it is, is to wait out stock market concerns. "A lot of times, adversity creates solutions that you find out are better, so this outbreak very well may change things, ultimately for the better,” Arnold said.

Andy Spalding on Olympics postponement
Law professor Andy Spalding, chair of the Olympics Compliance Task Force, can provide insights into the decision to postpone the Olympic Games. Spalding says the decision sends a signal that the International Olympic Committee is making decisions with the public welfare in mind. “Having been plagued by corruption and human rights scandals, the Olympic Movement cannot afford a public health scandal,” said Spalding. 

Carl Tobias on judicial impacts
Law professor Carl Tobias can discuss both how COVID-19 is affecting judicial decisionmaking and how judicial decisionmaking is impacting the COVID-19 response. Tobias predicts many civil cases will end up settling rather than waiting for a court resolution that could be delayed for a long period of time.

Additional experts are highlighted on this expert guide related to COVID-19.
