October 16: Richmond alumnus and co-founder of CollegeHumor.com appeals to more than just business students (Forum Magazine)

October 16, 2015

I entered the business school auditorium, teeming with aspiring entrepreneurs dressed in suits and young accountants in the making, and initially, I had no idea which man at the front of the room was Josh Abramson. There was a cluster of what appeared to be young Richmond students dressed in button downs with rolled up sleeves and khakis milling around the stage. When the interviewer began the seminar, I was shocked to see that the multi-million dollar entrepreneur of several high profile businesses was none other than a young man who could have just walked out of a class in Robins. Josh Abramson, founder of several businesses such as CollegeHumor.com, BustedTees, and Vimeo, appeared from head to toe a product of the University of Richmond.

As part of the Robins Executive Speaker Series, the seminar commenced in an interview format, unfolding as a relaxed discussion in which Abramson told the story of his success. He was captivating from the beginning...

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