University of Richmond students to debate ethics and higher education in upcoming VFIC Ethics Bowl
UNIVERSITY OF RICHMOND — Four University of Richmond students will participate in the Virginia Foundation for Independent Colleges’ annual Ethics Bowl Feb. 9-10.
The University of Richmond team will compete head-to-head against other highly qualified student teams from Virginia’s 15 leading independent colleges and universities, deliberating a variety of case studies highlighting ethical dilemmas. The topic of this year’s event is “Ethics and Higher Education.”
The members of the University of Richmond student team include seniors Cameron Bonsell, Harris Cannon, Jackson LeViness, and Jacob Walling. The faculty coordinator for the team is philosophy professor Brannon McDaniel.
“We'll be examining a variety of issues, including college admissions, campus life, university endowments, academic research, Greek life, athletics, and other areas — all of which are high-profile, national news topics,” said McDaniel. “It's important for students to learn to clearly and cogently communicate their reasons for making ethical decisions.”
Notable individuals from a variety of career fields, including business, law, education, finance, journalism, and other industries, will listen and offer feedback to team presentations
The Ethics Bowl is being held at the University of Lynchburg. For more information and the program schedule, visit