Health and Safety Guidelines in Place as University of Richmond Welcomes Students Back to Campus
Editor’s Note: The University of Richmond is in the Red Stage of its Physical Distancing Framework. No external visitors, including media, are allowed to campus. Photo and video assets will be provided.
UNIVERSITY OF RICHMOND — The University of Richmond is resuming in-person instruction and the residential educational experience for the 2020-21 academic year.
Testing and Screening Protocols
Students are screening their health prior to arrival on campus and will receive a COVID-19 test when they arrive to move in.
To promote physical distancing, student move-in will be phased over a week, starting Aug. 14 and ending Aug. 21. Protocols for move-in include a three-hour window, a limited number of helpers for each student, and wearing face coverings. Face coverings are required in all buildings, including classrooms, dining facilities, common areas within residence halls, and in outdoor settings where physical distancing measures are difficult to maintain.
Class Schedule
Classes begin Aug. 24 and the semester will end Dec. 18. Fall Break will be eliminated and in-person courses and student residency will end prior to Thanksgiving.
“We reached these decisions guided by two fundamental priorities — promoting the health and safety of our community and ensuring an excellent academic experience for our students,” said President Ronald A. Crutcher. “Our planning teams also considered all federal, state, and local health and safety guidance, including from the Virginia Governor’s Office, the State Council for Higher Education, and public health organizations like the CDC and Virginia Department of Health.”
Recognizing that not all students will choose or be able to return to campus, students will also have the option to complete the academic semester fully online.
“Our hybrid approach this fall includes most of our in-person classes also being available to non-resident students who need to study remotely,” said Jeff Legro, executive vice president and provost.
More specific details about the University’s “Return to Campus” plan are available at