University of Richmond Beloved Holiday Tradition — Candlelight Festival of Lessons and Carols — is Dec. 8
UNIVERSITY OF RICHMOND — The University of Richmond Chaplaincy and the Department of Music will hold the 51st annual Candlelight Festival of Lessons and Carols this weekend, on Sunday, Dec. 8, in Cannon Memorial Chapel.
Lessons and Carols is open to the campus and greater community. Registration is also encouraged. Two services will be held. The 5 p.m. service is typically standing room only. Guests are encouraged to attend the 8 p.m. service to ensure seating. Prelude music will begin 20 minutes before each service.
The University's Schola Cantorum — along with the James River Singers, joined by organist Mary Beth Bennett and brass — will present new and familiar Christmas carols and anthems in the tradition of the “Festival of Nine Lessons and Carols” that was first held at King's College Chapel in Cambridge, England, on Christmas Eve 1918. The services conclude with the lighting of candles by the congregation and the singing of “Silent Night.” Lessons and Carols is open to the campus and greater community.
“For more than 50 years, this grand Richmond tradition has offered grace and beauty to the campus community and to those in the wider region,” said University Chaplain Rev. Dr. Craig Kocher. “The cherished story of peace on earth and goodwill among all people will be shared through lessons, carols, and candlelight once again.”
The Chapel is located at 134 UR Drive, Richmond, Virginia, 23173.
For more than 50 years, this grand Richmond tradition has offered grace and beauty to the campus community and to those in the wider region. The cherished story of peace on earth and goodwill among all people will be shared through lessons, carols, and candlelight once again.