University of Richmond Celebrates MLK Day With Series of Events
UNIVERSITY OF RICHMOND — The University of Richmond’s 2025 Martin Luther King Jr. Celebration — "Everyday People, Everyday Choices, Everyday Action" — includes a series of events from Jan. 20–23.
All of the University’s MLK-related events are open to UR students, faculty, staff, alumni, and members of the greater Richmond community. Events include community conversations, service projects, and a community march and celebration.
There is also an opportunity to view materials from the Wyatt Tee Walker Collection on Jan. 21, at 7 p.m. Walker was a prominent civil rights leader who served as King’s chief of staff. Rev. Dr. Walker and his wife, Theresa Ann Walker, donated the Dr. and Mrs. Wyatt Tee Walker Collection to the University of Richmond in 2016.
“This year’s theme is inspired by the idea that ordinary individuals, through their everyday choices and actions, contribute to bending the moral arc of the universe toward justice.,’” said MLK committee co-chair Anthony Crenshaw, director of operations and strategic initiatives for the Bonner Center for Civic Engagement. “We hope these events will inspire attendees to reflect on both current and historical movements for social justice, build meaningful connections with one another, and take concrete actions that drive positive change in our communities.”
The series of events will conclude with the annual Beloved Community March and Celebration, on Jan. 23, from 5–7 p.m. The march will start at the Forum in the center of campus and conclude at the Queally Center for Admission and Career Services for a gathering that will include a keynote address by Rev. Dr. Lacette Cross, executive director of Diversity Thrift.
Learn more and register for these events at